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Our history.

Our beginnings

It all started on the 70’s, with a generation of workers that fought for their Projects and their ideals. They didn’t know a lot about their right but their obligations.


In this situation EuroOnions was born with Mister Jose Alberola Ferrando as his founder, that as many spaniars one job was not enough. He came from the metalurgy sector and in those years he already saw Onions as a difficuly product to handle.


He began peeling onions for the meat sector that he delivered with chilled trucks, but he soon saw that the future was on the processing. Since that moment Mister Jose Alberola began to cook the onions and pack them, transfoming himself in a Pioneer not just in the product but also in quality, food security and traceability.


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Photographs: book "Benaguasil Imatges i Paraules.

Joan Dominguez Bell-Lloc and Josep Vicent Galiana Bondia.

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On the 90’s was the turning point of EuroOnions, moving the Company from Massanassa to Alzira and with the incorporation of his children to it. Creating Manipulados de Cebollas y Derivados. He  was a pionner in the creation of a Special Employment Center, in which all the personal in the Company had some kind of dissability. His intention was to give everybody the opportunity of joining the labor market.


The first and only onion canning factory in Spain was created. Along with the continious improvement, all kind of packagings were created along with new recipees tailored to our customers needs. EuroOnions was the first one in 2004 in creating an aseptic line for the onions in packaging sizes of 10kg, 20kg, 215 and 1,000kg (aseptic bags). Beacuse of the high increase on the demand we installed in 2007 the second aseptic line. At the same time a heat filler installed for 3 and 5kg bags (heat sealed) adding to the existing packagin variety.


The culmination of this Project was in 2017, when we inaugurated our current plant with an area of 100.000sqm and with a capacity of process 400tm/day in our aseptic, heat filler and canning. Also in 2018 a new line of fried frozen product and dehidrated were installed.

In 2021 we inaugurated a 18,000sqm facility in Chinchilla (Albacete) to give support to the factory.

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We export to more than 50 countries to the world

We are specialists in the development of new products, solutions and improvements to existing products. We offer a service that covers the needs of the industrial sector and Food Service, complying with quality requirements.

Our Ready To Use EuroOnions ingredients are peeled, diced of various sizes, and cooked in their own juices. All of our ingredients have all their flavor and are ready to use, directly from the can or bag. They are a perfect complement to any prepared meal.

Today, we offer a very varied range of Ready To Use vegetables. At EuroOnions we always think about offering the best service to our customers without losing the quality of our ingredients.

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