Caramelizing onions brings out their amazing natural flavor. They're terrific on sandwiches and pizzas, over pastas, in soups, on meat, fish, and egg dishes, or adorning appetizer platters.
We can caramelize any type of onion. Some just caramelize more quickly than others. It all depends on their sugar content. Standard yellow onions caramelize just fine--and actually contain more sugars than "sweet" onions, which only seem to taste sweeter because they have fewer sulfur compounds.
At Eurocebollas we have two ways of caramelizing onions.
We cook the onion as normally and add sugar to the onion. This is a cheaper way of doing it than the one above.
The onion will be sweet on the first bite, but you will notice the flavor of the onion on the following bites.
Normally the onion doesn´t become dark as the one with no sugar, but we can make it dark by adding food coloring.
With a bit of time and patience, caramelizing turns a tearjerker in our factory into a sweet temptation. Breaking down and browning the natural sugars in the onion, give it a melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavor that adds an extra dimension to everything from burgers to baked potatoes.
What we do is we cook the onion in 4000 kg cattles for 2 hours and in low heat to be able to get the onion caramelized and with a dark color.
Golden caramelized
Sofrito of onion
and garlic
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